Online convex optimization basics
This page contains notes on the basics of Online Convex Optimization(OCO) with a Haskell implementation. More precisely, we will use the Online Gradient Descent (OGD) algorithm [5] to build a L2-constrained online regressor. In turn, we will apply this regressor to the classic iris
[2] dataset that ships with the standard R distribution.
This page goes from the generic to the specific. We’ll start with a generic, abstract learning algorithm encoded with a polymorphic implementation, and finish with experiments.
The Online Convex Programming [5] framework is the following:
Given a known convex set F \subset \mathbb{R}^n, at every round t=0,\ldots a learner:
\quad Selects an action w^t \in F
\quad Observes a convex loss function c^t : F \rightarrow \mathbb{R}
\quad Incurs a loss c^t(w^t)
This broad setting may be specialized to various tasks such as regression, classification, clustering, ranking, collaborative filtering, structured prediction, principal component analysis, and more. The action w can sometimes be thought of as the parameter of the model - although there will sometimes be a distinction. Let’s take a look at the standard algorithm for OCO in the abstract; we’ll choose a modeling strategy for F and c^t later.
Online Gradient Descent
This algorithm is a non-adaptive constrained online gradient descent that uses a projection step. More formally, the original OGD algorithm works by picking w^0 arbitrarily in F and choosing:
w^{t+1} = P(w^t - \eta_t \nabla c^t (w^t)) \qquad(1)
Where P(w) = \text{argmin}_{y \in F} \left\| x - y \right\| is the projection operator on F.
As long as we can encode a problem by specifying a set F such that we can implement a tractable projection operator P and specify a convex function c^t such that we can implement its gradient \nabla c^t at as a function of w^t, we can use the OGD algorithm. Then, it remains to choose a sequence \eta_t of learning rates.The rate \eta_t is essentially the sole hyperparameter of the algorithm. Often, some variables involved in the problem construction (more precisely, in the choice of F or c^t) may be reffered to as hyperparameters as well.
Let’s start encoding this gradient step in Haskell right away before discussing its behavior. We’ll make the non-experimental code as generic as reasonably feasible, and the typeclasses from the linear Haskell package will help. These typeclasses allow us to use the code from this post seamlessly on vectors, association lists or any custom data structure that represent vector spacesLinear.Vector
, exports Additive
, a Typeclass exposing vector space operation for various vector-like memory representations. Linear.Metric
exports Metric
, a typeclass exposing dot products, norms and the like.
import Linear.Vector (Additive, (^-^), (^/), (*^), (^*))
import Linear.Metric (Metric, norm, dot)
Let’s begin by writing out useful type synonyms for the types of \nabla c^t, P and \eta_t, respectively naming them LossDerivative
, Projection
and LearningRate
. We’ll use those throughout the rest of the code.
-- | Derivative of a loss function w.r.t an action.
type LossDerivative v a =
-> -- ^ action/parameter
v a -- ^ descent direction and magnitude
v a
-- | Projection operator.
type Projection v a =
-> -- ^ vector to project
v a -- ^ projection
v a
-- | Learning rate schedule.
type LearningRate a =
Int -> -- ^ Round counter
-- ^ Rate value a
We are now ready to write the actual OGD gradient step. We need a datatype to maintain the state of the algorithm: we’ll call it Ogdstate
-- | Algorithm state for OGD. Encodes both the round count and the last action.
data Ogdstate v a = Ogdstate
t :: Int -- ^ round counter
{ weights :: v a -- ^ parameter/action weights
,deriving (Show)
-- | Smart constructor
initialOGDState :: v a -> Ogdstate v a
= Ogdstate 1 initialOGDState
The code for the OGD update step in eq. 1 is rather simple:
-- | The OGD algorithm.
ogd :: (Additive v, Floating a) =>
LearningRate a -> -- ^ Learning rate schedule
Projection v a -> -- ^ Projection operator
Ogdstate v a -> -- ^ Last state/action
LossDerivative v a -> -- ^ Derivative of the loss at this round
Ogdstate v a -- ^ New state/action
Ogdstate t w) dc = Ogdstate {
ogd rate projection (= t + 1,
t = projection (w ^-^ ( rate t *^ dc w))
weights }
We have implemented the ogd
gradient descent step in its most general form. Before moving on with an application to a concrete problem, we still have to finish covering the essentials of the original OGD paper by discussing the choice of \eta_t.
OGD-based learners work by minimizing their regret at round T against all adversaries in a comparison classThere are various ways to refer to the “comparator.” Some texts use the game-theory influenced term of adversary, while some others refer to a comparison class. This page uses the term of best action in hindsight or best parameter in hindsight.
. In other words, OGD-based learners achieve good performance with respect to the single best action in hindsight (meaning: observed a-posteriori). The original OGD paper [5] defines the regretThis is what is reffered to as the external regret.
R_F(T) as:
R_F(T) = C_T - C_{\text{best}} \qquad(2)
C_T = \sum_{t=1}^{t=T} c^t (x^t) \quad \quad \text{and} \quad \quad C_{\text{best}} = \min_{w \in F} \sum_{t=1}^{t=T} c^t (w)
If F is bounded, closed, nonempty, and the norm of the gradient of c is bounded on F, the main theorem from the paper gives the following regret bound for a static adversary:Using the fixed learning rate \eta_t = \eta, we can minimize a notion of dynamic regret. For this specific bound, the comparison class is the set A(T,L) of slowly moving actions. This is defined in terms of the path length of a sequence, which just sum of the distance of displacement between subsequent rounds. The comparison class is the set of sequences of actions whose path length is smaller than L: R_A(T,L) = \sum_{t=1}^{t=N} c^t (x^t) - \min_{(w_a)^{t=1 \ldots T} \in
A(T,L)} \sum_{t=1}^{t=N} c^t (w_a^t) \qquad(3) The fixed learning rate gives us the following bound: R_A(T,L) \leq \frac{7 \left\|F\right\|^2 }{4 \eta} + \frac{L \left\|F\right\| }{\eta} + \frac{ T
\eta \left\|\nabla c \right\|^2}{2} \qquad(4) The implementation we’d need for this rate is const
R_F(T) \leq \frac{\left\|F\right\|^2 }{2 \eta_T} + \frac{\left\|\nabla c \right\|^2}{2} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \eta_t \qquad(5)
Where \left\|F\right\| is the diameter of F and \left\|\nabla c\right\| is the norm of the maximum value of the gradient of c in F. Notice the summation: we have to use a rate with a convergent series. A simple choice is \eta_t= \frac{1}{\sqrt{t}}, whose series is easily upper bounded by 2\sqrt(T)-1. Replacing the summation illustrates the sublinearity of the bound:
R_F(T) \leq \frac{\left\|F\right\|^2 \sqrt{T}}{2} + \left( \sqrt{T} - \frac{1}{2} \right) \left\|\nabla c \right\|^2 \qquad(6)
Assuming \left\|F\right\| and \left\|\nabla c\right\| to be independent of T, this bound is essentially the reason why OGD is a useful algorithm. Indeed, notice that the average regret R_F(T)/T vanishes with T. In other words, the performance with respect to the best action in hindsight is upper-bounded by a quantity that diminishes with with every round.
We’ll use the scaled rate \eta_t = \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{t}}, which implies a more tunable bound. Its implementation is simple:
-- | Inverse squared learning rate.
rootRate :: (Floating a) => a -> LearningRate a
= eta / sqrt (fromIntegral t) rootRate eta t
This rate gives rise to a slight modification of eq. 6, showcasing the \eta hyperparameter:
R_F(T) \leq \frac{\left\|F\right\|^2 \sqrt{T}}{2\eta} + \frac{\eta \left\|\nabla c \right\|^2 \left( 2\sqrt{T} - 1 \right) }{2} \qquad(7)
Enough with discussing OGD in the abstract - we will now choose a model.
Linear Regression
We use a classical task, namely linear regression. The online regression set-up is the following:
\forall t=0,\ldots the learner:
\quad Observes a feature vector x^t \in \mathbb{R}^n
\quad Selects a prediction \widehat{y^t} \in \mathbb{R}
\quad Observes the regression target y^t \in \mathbb{R}
\quad Incurs a loss l(\widehat{y^t},y^t) convex in both its arguments.
We can already write a type for the derivative of that loss function l:
-- | Differential of a regression loss
type RegressionLossDerivative v a =
-> -- ^ x^t
v a -> -- ^ y^t
a LossDerivative v a -- ^ c^t
We can also immediately provide a more regression-friendly wrapper for the previously implemented ogd
-- | Regression fit call
type FitReg v a =
-> -- ^ Feature vector x^t
v a -> -- ^ Regression target y^t
a Ogdstate v a -> -- ^ Old learner state
Ogdstate v a
-- | Generates a fitter for one regression data point using OGD.
fitOGDReg :: (Additive v, Floating a) =>
LearningRate a -> -- ^ Learning rate
Projection v a -> -- ^ Projection operator
RegressionLossDerivative v a -> -- ^ Regression loss derivative
FitReg v a -- ^ Fitting function
fitOGDReg rate projection differential x y state $ differential x y ogd rate projection state
This code clearly shows that this online regression set-up is just disguised OCO. It’s still rather polymorphic though, and we still need to construct some parameters for this fitOGDReg
Picking c^t
We make the classical restrictive design choices on the learner. First, we choose a constrained linear model, with a parameter vector in a set F \subset \mathbb{R}^n. Second, we commit to choose w^t before observing x^t. Under those restictions, our online regression framework is:
\forall t=0,\ldots the learner
\quad Selects an action w^t \in F
\quad Observes a feature vector x^t \in \mathbb{R}^n
\quad Predicts \widehat{y^t} = {w^{t}}^T x
\quad Observes regression target y^t \in \mathbb{R}
\quad Incurs loss c^t(w^t) = l( {w^{t}}^T x,y^t)
First, we implement our linear predictor \widehat{y^t} = {w^{t}}^T x, which gives rise to the predictReg
prediction function:
-- | Prediction function
predictReg :: (Metric v, Floating a) =>
-> -- ^ Feature vector
v a Ogdstate v a -> -- ^ Learner
-- ^ Prediction
a Ogdstate _ w) = w `dot` x predictReg x (
Second, we pick the convex loss we’re interested in to be the “Gaussian” square loss function.
c^t(w) = \left\| y^t - w^{T} x^t \right\|^2 \quad y \in \mathbb{R}, x \in \mathbb{R}^n \\
In practice, OGD only needs the gradient of that function. Because we’re using a linear predictor, that is simply:
\nabla c^t (w) = x^t \left( w^T x^t - y^t \right) \\
-- | Derivative of the square loss function.
mseDiff :: (Metric v, Floating a) => RegressionLossDerivative v a
= x ^* ( w `dot` x - y) mseDiff x y w
That’s it, we now have an interface for for feeding an instance to a regression model (FitReg v x
) and for predicting a value (predictReg
Picking F
We’ll consider the \ell_2 ball of radius \lambda as a constraint set.We’re not really going to reap the systematic benefits of this \ell_2 ball (which mostly come about with a large number of features) in our experiments. An appropriately chosen L2 norm will be helpful to control initial gradient jumps, however.
F = \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R} \; \middle| \; \left\|x\right\| \leq \lambda \right\}
This choice of F is a breeze to implement. The \ell_2 projection is straightforward:
P(w) = \begin{cases} w & \text{if}\ \left\|w\right\| \leq \lambda \\ \lambda \frac{w}{\left\|w\right\|} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}
-- | Argument name for Lambda.
newtype Lambda a = Lambda a deriving (Show)
-- | Projection on a L2 Ball.
l2Projection :: (Metric v, Ord a, Floating a) =>
Lambda a -> -- ^ radius
Projection v a -- ^ projection operator
Lambda lam) w
l2Projection (| q <= lam = w
| otherwise = lam *^ w ^/ q
where q = norm w
Now that we have all the necessary ingredients, we can write fitOGDReg
, an interface wrapper that helps build an online ridge regressor.
-- | Online ridge regressor via OGD.
fitRidge :: (Metric v, Ord a, Floating a) =>
LearningRate a -> -- ^ Rate schedule
Lambda a -> -- ^ Constraint set radius
FitReg v a
= fitOGDReg rate (l2Projection lambda) mseDiff fitRidge rate lambda
Let’s conclude on the modeling part by using everything we know to make eq. 7 more concrete. The diameter of F depends on our choice of \lambda (namely \left\|F\right\|=2\lambda) and the magnitude of \left\|\nabla c\right\| depends on the regression data:
\left\|\nabla c\right\| = \max_{w \in F,t} \left\|x^t \left( w^T x^t - y^t \right)\right\|\\ \quad \leq \left\|x\right\| \left(\lambda \left\|x\right\| + \left\|y\right\| \right)
where \left\|x\right\| = \max_t \left\|x^t\right\| and \left\|y\right\| = \max_t \left\|y^t\right\| are data-dependent quantities. Substituting, we have the following data-dependent regret bound for this regression task:
R_F(T) \leq \frac{2 \lambda^2 \sqrt{T}}{\eta} + \frac{ \eta \left( 2\sqrt{T} - 1 \right) (\lambda \left\|x\right\|^2 + \left\|x\right\|\left\|y\right\| )^2 }{2} \qquad(8)
The learner is now fully implemented. Next, we use this learner with a toy dataset.
Experiments with iris
The rest of the code snippets need some extra extensions and imports.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes DataKinds TypeApplications LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric OverloadedStrings OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables NoImplicitPrelude ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp RecordWildCards #-}
import Protolude
import Linear.Metric
import Data.Sequence.Lens
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Lens hiding ((:>))
import Data.Sequence hiding (replicate,length)
import System.Random
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import System.Random.Shuffle
import System.Command.QQ.Predef
import System.Command.QQ
import System.Command.QQ.Eval
import Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as LT
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
import qualified Data.Vector as Ve
Let’s play with this learner using a subset of the iris
dataset, which is available with the standard R distribution, and on hackage as part of Numeric.Datasets
. We’ll try to learn petal width in an online fashion, based on the other numerical attributes from the dataset. Let’s peek at the dataset first.
rOut [rscript| summary(iris) |]
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Min. :4.300 Min. :2.000 Min. :1.000 Min. :0.100
1st Qu.:5.100 1st Qu.:2.800 1st Qu.:1.600 1st Qu.:0.300
Median :5.800 Median :3.000 Median :4.350 Median :1.300
Mean :5.843 Mean :3.057 Mean :3.758 Mean :1.199
3rd Qu.:6.400 3rd Qu.:3.300 3rd Qu.:5.100 3rd Qu.:1.800
Max. :7.900 Max. :4.400 Max. :6.900 Max. :2.500
setosa :50
virginica :50
Of course, we’re not really supposed to look at data advance after all, as we are considering an online learning process. In practice, we’d have to pick values for \eta and \lambda using all the a-priori information Wavalible. We’ll proceed in the following way:
\lambda: The norm of the unit vector in the dimension at hand should suffice. \lambda = 1.
\eta: Notice that eq. 8 does involve some parameters that depend on the dataset. We might be tempted to minimize the value of the bound at the end of the learning process by picking the right \eta. We’d need values for T, \left\|x\right\|, \left\|y\right\|, and \lambda. We can pick T = 150, if we take the length of our online learning process to be the entire dataset. We can also pick \left\|x\right\| = \left\|y\right\| = 1 by assuming the dataset to be normalized (which we will enforce below). If the data source wasn’t normalized a domain expert could help determine those. If we minimize that bound in \eta by finding the roots of the derivative of the expression in eq. 8, we arrive at the following expression:
pyJax [python2|
from sympy import *
eta,T,lam,x,y = symbols('eta T lambda xnorm ynorm')
bound = 2*sqrt(T)*lam**2/eta + (x**2*lam+x*y)**2 * eta *(2*sqrt(T)-1)/2
solved = solve(bound.diff(eta), eta)[1]
print("$$\eta = %s = %s$$" % (latex(solved),
) |]
\eta = \frac{2 \lambda \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{T}}{2 \sqrt{T} - 1}}}{\left\|{x}\right\| \left(\lambda \left\|{x}\right\| + \left\|{y}\right\|\right)} = 0.721998072401013
Good to know we can select \eta based on a “worst case” bound in a more or less principled manner - but as we’ll see below, this value will not be so helpful in practice.
We can compute the a-posteriori best average loss feasible, C_{\text{best}}, using a lm
call in RNote the -1
at the end of the symbolic form inside the lm
call. This is used to remove the intercept from the model: For simplicity’s sake, all models in this page are truely linear (not affine). Also note that the snippet scales the dataset to the \left[0,1\right] range.
rOut [rscript|
iris =,type="range"))
sm = summary(lm(
formula = Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Width + Sepal.Length + Petal.Length - 1,
data = iris
mean((sm$residuals)^2) |]
lm(formula = Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Width + Sepal.Length + Petal.Length -
1, data = iris)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.25691 -0.06216 -0.02037 0.03772 0.25544
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Sepal.Width 0.05180 0.02681 1.932 0.05525 .
Sepal.Length -0.22687 0.07180 -3.160 0.00192 **
Petal.Length 1.15314 0.05296 21.773 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.08416 on 147 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9776, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9772
F-statistic: 2139 on 3 and 147 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
[1] 0.006941823
We’ll use this average squared error when showing the behavior of our algorithm (the plots below use it as a dashed line). But first, let’s write a state monad for a one-pass learning process that saves all predictions into a sequence:
-- | The "game state" that we will use to run our one-pass procedure
data GameState v a = GameState
predicted:: Seq a
{ ogdState :: Ogdstate v a
,deriving (Show, Generic)
-- | a one pass procedure: given a fitting function and a dataset,
-- this function returns a state monad that performs one pass of
-- online learning on the dataset.
onePass ::
Metric v -- ^ The container for the vector space
( Traversable t -- ^ The container for the dataset
, Floating a ) -- ^ The floating point type
, => FitReg v a -- ^ the fitting function
-> t (v a, a) -- ^ the dataset
-> State (GameState v a) () -- ^ the output state monad
= for_ dataset $ \(x,y) -> do
onePass fit dataset #ogdState %= fit x y -- descent
<- uses #ogdState (predictReg x) -- prediction
yhat #predicted <>= pure yhat -- history update
Second, we acquire data and preprocess it. We’ll use sepal length, sepal width, and petal length to buidld the x^t vectors, and petal width to build targets y^ts. Note that this snippet shuffles the dataset and normalizes all quantities to \left[0,1\right].
import Numeric.Datasets.Iris (iris, Iris(..))
normalizeDataset :: [([Double], Double)] -> [([Double], Double)]
= [ (features, target)
normalizeDataset d | features <-
$ scale <$> transpose (fst <$> d)
transpose | target <- scale (snd <$> d) ]
= l <&> \x -> (x - minimum l) / (maximum l - minimum l)
scale l
dataset :: [([Double],Double)]
= shuffle' normalized (length normalized) (mkStdGen 1)
dataset where
= normalizeDataset (iris <&> iris2instance)
normalized Iris {..} =
iris2instance ([sepalLength, sepalWidth, petalLength], petalWidth)
Here is the plotting function used below. It feeds one passes of some dataset to OGD and generates a plot of the cumulative average absolute regression error:
plot1pass ::
Double, Double, Double) -- ^ a-posteriori best loss, eta, lambda
(-> FitReg [] Double -- ^ fit function
-> [([Double], Double)] -- ^ dataset
-> Layout Int Double
= layout
plot1pass (best, eta, lam) fit dataset where
= length dataset
n GameState (toList -> predicted) _) =
($ GameState
execState (onePass fit dataset) = Data.Sequence.Empty
{ predicted = initialOGDState [0,0,0]
, ogdState
}= plot_points_style .~ filledCircles 1 (opaque black)
points $ plot_points_values .~ [ (x, l / fromIntegral x)
| x <- [1 .. n]
| l <- cumsum [ (p-y)^2
| y <- snd <$> dataset
| p <- predicted
]$ plot_points_title .~ "Online \"ridge\" regressor"
$ def
= plot_lines_values .~ [[(1, best), (n, best)]]
bestline $ plot_lines_title .~ "A-posteriori unconstrained batch model"
$ plot_lines_style .~ dashedLine 1.5 [2,2] (withOpacity black 1)
$ def
= layout_title .~ "Average squared regression loss"
layout $ layout_plots .~ [ toPlot points, toPlot bestline ]
$ def
We run the one-pass learning experiment using the value for \eta we selected above and plot the resulting evolution of the normalized cumulative absolute error. The red dashed line represents the best attainable value C_{\text{best}}/T, as given by the squared residuals of the batch linear regression performed above.
= plot1pass meta fit dataset
experiment meta fit = 0.006941823 -- from the R snippet above
bestLoss = toRenderable . experiment meta
plot meta
-- using the rate from the python snippet above
let meta@(_,eta,lam) = (bestLoss, 0.721, 1) in
$ fitRidge (rootRate eta) (Lambda lam) plot meta
As hinted at previously, it turns out that the value for \eta coming from the bound above is not optimal for this dataset in terms of the acheivable a-posteriori performance. Indeed, the bound we’ve been manipulating is not tight, and it is in fact so not tight that we couldn’t really plot it alongside the regret here without squeezing the axis too hard for legibility. Indeed, there exist values of \lambda that perform better; see for instance the behavior of \lambda=2.5:
let meta@(_,eta,lam) = (bestLoss, 2.5, 1) in
$ fitRidge (rootRate eta) (Lambda lam) plot meta
Note the role the \ell_2 ball plays here. Make it too large, and the initial iterations become jumpy enough to degrade the overall performance:
let meta@(_,eta,lam) = (bestLoss, 0.721, 100) in
$ fitRidge (rootRate eta) (Lambda lam) plot meta
Why did we find a better value for the rate than the one from our bound? Regret bounds describe worst-case behavior. This dataset however is very well behaved - and adding stochastic assumptions would lead to a tighter analysis of the very same update rule in the form of stochastic convergence rates. Principled learning rate selection is a difficult problem, for which there are many methods, often grouped under the umbrella terms of adaptive or parameter-free methods. As a conclusion to this page, here is the summary of the operations that were performed to make the algorithm work.
- \lambda was hand-picked to control the contribution of initial jumps to the average objective.
- \eta was hand-picked to make the algorithm converge fast. Choosing the rate is one of the painful points when running gradient descent algorithms. See [1] and Francesco Orabona’s webpage.
- Scaling: The three features and the regression target have been scaled to [0,1]. Whithout this operation, the algorithm performance would be degraded. That wasn’t really crucial here, since the features from
more or less all have the same range. It is worth noting however that the convergence rate of OGD is greatly reduced when features have different magnitudes. See [4], [3] and [1] for a discussion of this aspect.